Display MoreProduct description
You always wanted to organize your personal league for a game of your choice within your community to find out who the best player is? With the League Plugin you have the possibility to create your own personal league in just a few steps.
Adjustment options
With the ACP you have the possibility to define a free point distribution for wins, defeats and draws according to your needs. In addition, you can determine whether all games should be displayed or only those that have taken place so far.
User group rights
Here you have various setting options at your disposal. From the possibility to see the leagues, create, edit or delete your own leagues, manage "foreign" leagues to the moderation of league comments, this app probably covers every wish.
Liga settings
Choose a name for your league, one or more contact persons available for questions, a URL to a rules page and the number of participants. You want to play a league with an odd number? No problem, because this app automatically adds a walk-through player for odd numbers of participants.
league comments
To make sure that your league members are able to discuss when e.g. a game should take place, or just to talk about the game, the league app offers a comment function for each game.
end of day
All games of a matchday are finished and with only one click you and your participants will get to the next matchday.
Ended leagues
All matchdays are denied and the league is finished. Now the league is not simply deleted, because one day one would like to indulge in nostalgia to see how a league went back then.
"Competitions Basic system"
Please note before installation that the free end application Contests Base System must be installed."
The product offered here can be operated in WoltLab Suite Core 5.2 (WSC 5.2).
supported languages
- German
- English
Support for all my products can be found on YoureCom.de. This enables me to process all my customers' requests in a bundled and timely manner. Please understand that requests coming from other sources cannot be processed.
As to all my products you can also test this product free of charge in my Online-Demo in all peace on "heart and kidneys". A free registration is however necessary under YoureCom.de.
Branding Free
None of my products has a visible copyright notice that you or your users would be annoyed about. Only the source code contains the usual information which will not bother you or your users.
No questions?
If you still have open questions, you can always open a new topic in my forum in the category "Questions before buying" and I will try to answer everything to your satisfaction so that even the last uncertainties can be resolved.
License conditions
Source: https://pluginstore.woltlab.com/file/3118-competitions-leagues/