Display MoreThis plugin binds the ticket system to Discord to inform about new tickets in the channel.
You decide either globally or for each individual category what should be posted in Discord. Below that are settings like
- Ignore the global settings
- In which Discord chanels should be posted
- Should the title be posted as context
- Should a prefix be appended
- Should tickets, ticket messages, or both be posted to Discord
IMPORTANT: The "Ticket System" plugin and the "Discord API" plugin must be installed beforehand.
Main plugins
WoltLab Cloud
Ticket System
[Blocked Image: https://pluginstore.woltlab.com/images/file/5d/3504.png]
With this ticket system, you can manage requests of any kind from your users. It gives you a lot of freedom to cover as many scenarios as possible.
4 hours ago
WoltLab Cloud
Discord API
This plugin serves as an interface between other plugins and your Discord server. This plugin is especially relevant for developers. It can also be used as a base plugin for other plugins.
Aug 23rd 2021
At this point I would still like to thank Hanashi for the great API.
Support is available directly through our Ticket System on beMananas.com
Source: https://pluginstore.woltlab.com/file/7038-tick…ord-connection/