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Featured WoltLab Suite Core 5.2.1

WoltLab Suite Core 5.2.1 This is the full 5.2.1 package which can be used for new installations.

System Requirements

Installing and running our software requires a server or webspace with these capabilities:

  • PHP 7.0.22+ (PHP 7.2.0+ recommended)
    • PHP extensions: dom, json, hash, libxml, mbstring, pcre, pdo, pdo_mysql, zlib
    • PHP extension for image processing GD or ImageMagick
    • Memory limit 128MB or higher
  • MySQL 5.5.35+ or MariaDB 10.0.22+ with InnoDB-Support
  • PHP-capable web server (Apache, nginx, lighttpd, Microsoft IIS, etc.)
  • about 20 MB disk space once installed